Wednesday, 27 June 2012


I was given a gift on Mothers Day.

And it wasn't your run-of-the-mill chocolates and flowers most mums find when they wake up that May morning.

It started out so normally with the school/preschool made presents, the offers of a cooked breakfast and offers of housework help.

Bang on dark the farmer returns and says. "Got a mothers Day present for you"!

He brought me home a beautiful little calf that had lost it's mother. The little one was done for a drink, but very strong.

I found a tin of sunshine milk in the back of my cupboard, so that was enough to tide the little one over until we bought a bag of calf pab the next morning. We named this one Bruiser, due to the strength and go in her.

It appeared that she wanted to live, and she is a fighter. She got a cough, we give penicillin for coughs, and she perked up no end!

She is a bit bigger now and is a beautiful heifer calf. She will always look "poddy", but survival is what we are looking for in a poddy.

We are lucky we found her.


  1. Keep writing!
    (Maybe you could give your readers a name to call you - a nickname at least. A bit hard to call you Cattle...)
    Your calf is lovely.
    cheers, Marguerite

  2. Thanks Marguerite, I think you are right about a name! I will have to put it in somewhere so it is easier to converse with me. You can call me Jo!

  3. hi Jo - blog looking better already! I think you should crop the photo a bit as it takes up my whole screen - (unless that's what you want). do you use Picasa? (from Google) it is what blogger stores your photos on . i use Picasa to edit my photos and stamp them and then i use the upload tool to put them on my blog. you could crop your photo so it's just the house and a bit of greenery that was people will see the title of your blog post as well as your blog header.
    the 2 other things i would do is make sure people can reply to you directly when you comment on their blog and also remove the word verification on your blog - it just stops people commenting. Blogger is pretty good at stopping spam.
    good to have all the gadgets down the side now. well done.
    let me know if you need any more help. let me know if you need help on those 2 things. i'll send links on facebook.
    cheers Fiona
